Friday, May 30, 2008


I'm having problems with my head. Work's killing me; been having massive headaches every evening for the past few days. But tonight...I'm momentarily blinded to all my problems.

Tomorrow. Is. The. Eclipse special edition release date!
I was so sure I'd be buying it on the day itself, bUT when I asked my mum for a lift to the bookstore tomorrow...she presented me with wonderful, amazing news: the BNM KBO Book Sales are coming round again, on the 2nd of June. Thaaaaat's right. 40% off stuff in MPH, Borders or Popular (but I don't ever go to Popular anyway, doesn't really count). I'm not sure if that includes new arrivals but I'm certainly not gonna buy the book a mere TWO days before the sales just for the satisfaction. I may be obsessed, but I'm not stupid.

I love my mum's job.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lunch and movie with Her Royal, Most Venerable Highness, The Bostress (and her family...and her sister's friend) yesterday...though the lunch was just two of us. We had dessert at Delicious (some bread-thingy with custard) and, as can be expected, I got bored for a bit...

What else? I pulled out my pen and started on this:

It turned out pretty nice, though it doesn't look as good in real life.

It was entertaining, at least. Sort of. Grace brought the camera, don'taskmewhy.
The movie was...cold. At least, the theater hall was. I kind of froze twenty minutes into the beginning. Such is life.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

More distractions. Avoiding the problem is wrong, but so much easier...

Nothing farther then he uttered - not a feather then he fluttered --
Till I scarcely more than muttered, "Other friends have flown before --
On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have flown before."
Then the bird said, "Nevermore."

-Edgar Allan Poe, "The Raven"


I'm avoiding my problems. So sue me.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

too late, me

I bit off more than I could chew.
Now I have to do what I can't, or I'll be in even more shit than I am now.
It serves me right; why did I ever let myself think, for even oNE moment, that I was capable?
Why did they encourage me?
I don't hAVE what it takes.
I'm not saying that in a fit of self-pity - I really can't do it.
I'm just a novice - no, I'm not even up to a novice's standards.
How does a beginner go about doing a job for (at least) amateurs?
Congrats, me. you've fooled yourself (and everyone else) into thinking that you have the ability.
But now you can't prove it, and all that you thought you were is being ripped down around your ears.
The only way I'll survive this is if I can prove to me that I can.
That I wasn't one big lump of deception.
I'll try.
There isn't much else I can do.
I'll try...and maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to accept that I really deserve this.
But truly, I apologize for the obscenely emo post.
I'm almost regretting already.

Friday, May 23, 2008

the antithesis of spirited

So the exams are over. The holidays have begun. So why is it that I'm not really looking forward to the next two weeks? The lack of entertainment? :( Nothing to do but sit, alone with myself...what unspeakable joy. *sigh*

But come, we must not mourn, for every day that passes is a day closer to THE important dates.


the Cullens
[(from left) Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Jasper]

the Cullen siblings
I have discovered...that I am heading into dangerous territory. For ages I've avoided rereading my Twilight saga books [great self-restraint comes with self-imposed mental protection] to prevent this; now I'm speeding headlong into the trap.
I know that unless I do something soon, I won't be able to think of anything else. Plus, I don't want to do a rendition of The Vapid Fangirl With No Substance. Not like some I could name. *smirk*

When all that has been poured and chopped and fried and cut and dried, yours truly has run out of steam and will finish on this note:
Hehe. We all have our vices. Sue me if you dare...(I'll crush you to micro-sized bits in court.)

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Oh man, oh man, oh man, I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really want to watch
! ! ! ! ! ! !

Why won't december come sooner??

Edward Anthony Masen Cullen - or should I say Robert Pattinson? Never mind, it stands for both - is (and here I thought I would never say it...*grin*) hot. The 10,000 degrees Celsius kind.

ta-daa...[stole that from heaven (if I believed in it) knows where.]
Am I allowed to swoon freely now, O Ignorant Ones laughing your saggy butts off at the fact that yours truly actually has female inclinations too? >:(

On another note, I'm uber impatient for the special edition of Eclipse to be released (it'll reveal the cover of Breaking Dawn! And the first chapter!) but the more important date is...
Thaaaaaaat's right. It's thAt far away :(
but I guess on the bright side it gives me more time to save up :D

Monday, May 19, 2008

I love this. I've decided that I'll go reread Shinshi Doumei Cross and Full Moon wo Sagashite. Don't ask me why. Just watch...for those who don't like manga, though, I have but one thing to tell you: 'Give it a shot.' Seriously, get used to the corny bits and there'll be at least one title, somewhere, that'll appeal to you.

Shinshi Doumei Cross - Cinderella (tribute to Haine)

p.s.: Don't forget to leave me a comment ;)

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I love Tanemura Arina. I love her characters. I love her plots. I love her art. I love nearly everything about her work. And...

I love the people who sing the Full Moon wo Sagashite songs!

thinner is dangerous, boys and girls...

Yup. The title says it all. Just be careful around thinner. Uh-huh.

...oh. Right. happened as a beautiful, sunny day was drawing to a close; the sunset glowed from behind the hill - blablabla, and I had just finished helping mummy dearest paint some shelve-thingy out on the terrace. I was clearing up, and was washing the brushes down with it. Just as I was scrubbing the brush, I flicked it by accident and some of it got on my face. Big deal, I thought. It's just cool liquid. I brush it off my nose and finish up my job...and seconds later my lips, which i had neglected to wipe in my haste (they were fogging the neighbourhood, I had to go indoors), were burning like there's no next Tuesday and wiping seemed to hurt more than soothe (thinner evaporates quickly. Rubbing a dry cloth on dry skin, as far as I know, does NOT ease burns). So i spend the next Goodness-Knows-How-Long sniffing and sniffing and sniffing back tears and sniffing and sniffing and - well, you get the idea. Still hurts like a motherf*cker, thank you. Haih. Life's one big blister, it is.

p.s.: the cold compress only made it worse. stupid me.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I crave it...I crave with every fibre of my being...

I want it. I want it so badly. Every cell in my body's tingling for it. The mere thought of it sends delicious little shivers down my spine, and the mere mention of it will propel me into hyperventilation. Just a peek, I breathe, just one little glimpse. To see the tantalising, ivory-white smoothness and all that it contains...then I get all bothered and annoyed all over again. So tempting it is, yet so unattainable. I want it...

a laugh a minute, peeps

Hillary Clinton goes to a primary school in New York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand, and she asks him what his name is.
"And what is your question, Kenneth?"
"I have three questions. First, what happened to your medical healthcare plan? Second, why are you running for President after your husband shamed the office? And thirdly, whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House?"
Just then, the bell rings for recess. Hillary tells the kids that they will continue after recess.
When they resume she says, "Okay, where were we? Ah, yes, question time. Who has a question?"
A different little boy puts up his hand and tells her that his name is Larry.
"And what's your question, Larry?"
"I have five questions. First,happened to your medical healthcare plan? Second, why are you running for President after your husband shamed the office? Thirdly, whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House? Fourth: why did the recess bell go off twenty minutes early? And fifth...what happened to Kenneth?"

LOL. I found that sO cute.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I've got a sudden surge of enthusiasm for shoujo mangas :D Sappy, cliched romance with cute guys as leads. What better way to let brain cells rest? Almost no thinking required. Simple, predictable storyline. Stereotypical characters fresh out of a mould. Corny plot and dialogue.
Only few make it past my foggy fog and leave imprints on my mind...and these are hereafter much loved and remembered with an almost obscene fondness. (+_+) Ossum. The simple pleasures in life, eh? We'd all be mad without 'em. :)

I miss them. I miss them so much...and they're still so far away. Coming back once a year hardly eases the longing. I want to be closer to them...even if it's just by a few steps. Every day I pine for them and hope that they come soon. You know what I'm talking about, right? The Holidays.

thrice triple, anyone?

My mouse isn't working right, damnit! **** ****** ***** ***** **** *** ********!!!
I keep having to click so many more times than necessary and it's pissing me off to the point where I'm tearing chunks of my hair out. Ugh.

Anyway. Just felt like crapping about the Sejarah paper today XD
It sucked. Big time. It's a definite fail, BUT at least I had a bit of fun. My structured questions were three quarters empty and it looked so sad that I felt I haD to fill it in somehow. So I ended up making up lots of stupid answers like:

Q: Siapakah yang mengetuai kabilah?
A: Ketua kabilah.

Q: Apakah peranan ketua kabilah?
A: Mengetuai kabilah.

Q: Apakah yang membawa kepada semangat assabiah dalam kalangan masyarakat Arab Jahilliah?
A: Ants in their pants.

Q: Apakah gelaran lain bagi firaun?
A: O Great Scaly Scarab Beetle.

....and so on. Pn Anne's gonna blacklist me or something XP

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Penguin Revolution!!! ><

I shall now present to you...the me in full rant mode. Observe.

"Bloody hell. She's such as freaking b*tch la, how could she do that?! Just busting in on the victoryy celebration... Oh god, that's so bloody unfair! That skank is sO shallow! She's using that girl to get her revenge on their company when she knows she's his cousin! and she's digging up that old story...but no way the president's gonna fall for it. HAH! He saw right through it! Yay, go, counter it! Wowww...crazy, so elaborate..." *space out* "Holy COW!! But isn't she supposed to be dead? yeesh, he looks just like her! That's so freaky...but look at those wings! Hahaha, Staircase of Dreams? So cliched. But they're all so pretty..." *drool* "WhAT??! can they...NO! That's so obviously cheating! Geez, that's so plain retarded. But it's not as if they're gonna take it lying down. GO, PRESIDENT!!"

I bet you can guess what I was doing. (=___=)"

Saturday, May 10, 2008

much belated (*sorry!*) words of appreciation

to: zuba, grejuu, sewee, munchkin, pychia and stewpid: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! It was honestly the most appropriate thing you could've got'll be duly appreciated, no worries! I'll even lend you what I plan to buy with it <3

and thanks, mum, for that cheque. lol...

best birthday gift so far! (not counting the pokemon cd my parents got me when I was little. haha, jokingg...)

Here's to my friends. All of 'em, even though only so few of you gave me I that bad?? Or is it cos of the exams?? Huhuhuhuhu...speaking of which, I'm dead meat for bio/physics/history. Chopped, sliced, minced, diced, julienned, grated and thrown into the pot to simmer over a low flame. KT Casserole, anyone?


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Sunday, May 4, 2008

creating my own game of TAG

I, SqC, have decided to CREATE a tag to pass round... rather than fall victim to one. ^^
and so, without further ado...
((also because I'm dissatisfied with the quality of questions that go around here. That "19 deep questions" was, unfortunately, a miserable, shallow excuse for a tag flaunting a title like its own. Sorry if I've offended anyone but honestly, pick a better, less cliched, less dishonest title...))

Would you accept a job twice as good as your current one - twice as much income and twice as fulfilling - given one condition of employment: you can never reveal anything about it to anyone at all?
yup. I'd just take invent a story to tell everyone ^^ can't be that hard.

Would you accept twenty-five years of extraordinary happiness if it meant you would die at the end of the period?
I will when I'm over fifty :D

For a person you loved deeply, would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing there would be very little chance at ever seeing your family again?
Ouch. Uh...I wouldn't know, seeing as I don't know how that kind of emotion feels.

Would you willingly have one finger removed if it somehow guaranteed immunity from all major diseases?

Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make one final dash into the house to save any one thing. What would it be? photo albums? No, my important documents...IC, certs, cards, books...I know I specified one thing, but I really can't decide! ><

You are given the power to kill people. They would die a natural death and no one would suspect you. How would you use this power?
I won't tell. I don't want to be suspected for all the natural deaths happening around the world...

Would you rather be extremely successful professionally, with a fairly ordinary private life - or a very happy private life and only an ordinary professional life?
The...former. Don't ask me why. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. :-|

If you could script the basic plot for your dream tonight, what would the story be?
Me as an omnipotent witch battling the hypocritical forces of Light and the cruel legion of the Dark, campaigning for my people...people of the banished regions between light and dark. People who were cast out of the Light on false charges, to save the corrupt rulers' own career...XD a bit much, I know.

Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 500 years at any physical age you choose?
Nope. What, live for 500 years like thAt? Hah. Fat chance.

In front of you are ten pistols. Only one of them is loaded. For one million dollars, would you pick up one, point it to your head and pull the trigger? You get to keep the money regardless of the outcome.
uh...yeah, I would. But I'll make sure to arrange everything first, in case I'm not so lucky.

Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by five years to become extremely attractive?
Yeah, why not? The way I see it, if I'm healthier I'll live longer why not?

If you could take a one-month trip to anywhere in the world, and money were not a consideration, where would you go and what would you do?
Japan, then Switzerland, followed by London, ending up in...Italy. I'd see every sight there is to see, do whatever there is to do, and eat whatever there is to eat.

Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it meant ending hunger in the world?
No...surely there are other methods to end hunger?

Now, tag THREE people:
(...and there you have it. I tag Sabreena, RC, and YJ :D)

i'm baaack...

I finally finally finally got my stupid streamyx fixed!! Now I can address my long-abandoned issues online!
*dances around like a drunken one-legged fish with a concussion*
I notice my cbox is crammed with stuff...sorry i'm late! :D it's good to be back on again...