Monday, January 26, 2009

now what this gotta do with da price of tea in China

-- anyone who knows the next line of the song is not to blame me for being vulgar. Instead, try telling my older brother to stop making me listen to Ice Cube. *shudder*

It's been an uneventful first day of the new lunar year, unless temple smoke counts as exciting. It is only tomorrow that the cards, mahjong set and firecrackers will come into the picture. And, probably, the day after as well.

Oh, and: solo shopping is incredibly efficient.

A chest of drawers, a drawerful of stars
A scoop of stars for nine of glister
A cup of glister with two of pitch
A handful of salt to savour the flavour.
- Rhyme of Books, stanza 3

Thursday, January 22, 2009

wanted: more coffee.

At the risk of sounding like a total noob here, but can someone tell me what ZOMG stands for? It sounds absolutely ridiculous to me, but hey, who knows.

Anyway, not the point. What I meant to say was:

happy birthday, Nutcha!! *hugggggggggggggggggg*

Ehehe. Use it, 'kay.

Oh, and I'm a newly-converted fan of Yo-Yo Ma (after hearing him for the first time at Obama's inauguration). And I just have to mention: I spelled all thirteen words right! Ahaha~

A thousand years, he thought, and the male
still deluded itself it could control the female.

Monday, January 12, 2009

a pinch of salt

...and four gallons of malt.

I've recently discovered something about myself: shout the word 'utopia' at me and the first thing I'll see in my head will be a two-coloured hamster. In a top hat.

Don't ask me why, because I don't know.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

end of days

School starts tomorrow.

Goodbye, sleeping-in. Goodbye, carefully-kept long nails. Goodbye, pile of reads. Goodbye, stack of movies. Goodbye, manga. Goodbye, internet hours.

Bugger it.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

how many apples?

I didn't realise how interesting this photograph was until I reviewed my pictures out of boredom in the plane.

Friday, January 2, 2009


"Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate.

"This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished; a vital voice once venerated, now vilified. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation now stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violent, vicious and voracious violation of volition.

"The only verdict is vengeance. A vendetta, held as votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and virtuous. Yet verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very great honour to meet you, and you may call me V."

"Are you, like . . . a crazy person?"


When school starts, I won't have nearly as much time for reading and telly :(

Thursday, January 1, 2009

two zero zero nine

It's not that nice a number. It's not a new millenium or century, not even a new decade. What's the big deal?

Stupid question, innit. Everyone just wants a reason to have fun :D and fun we did have. The company was random, but good - and so was Ip Man!

Viva foosball and fireworks!!
Oh, and Donnie Yen too, of course.