Saturday, December 27, 2008

delicate yellow :D

Leave a room unturned for a couple of years, and see what happens: a few lizards, a family of cockroaches and a colony of ants move into the cupboards.

Nature is marvellous, no?

And when you consider that the majority of the workforce today was female...

Friday, December 26, 2008

good omens

Guess who threatened to pee on me today?

What do good manners demand of you when you really, really don't want to do what civilities and familial ties ask of you?

Help me name my thumbdrive, anyone?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

help me, I've been hit

-by something no reasonably decent (well, at least I don't go about committing crimes of a bestial nature or suchlike) person should ever have to see.

It actually hurts to see these kinds of things. Physically. My muscles start twisting and twitching and I start seeing stars. You'd think these people die a little death each time they spell a word right. Damnit.

(King Julien-esque) It's so annoying.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

deedle deedle dum

I finally found out what happens on the eleventh day of Christmas!

And I got sick of Minima and its, well, minimality. Hence the change, see.

(fairy lights! xD)

the things that make a man:

Iron enough to make a nail,
Lime enough to paint a wall,
Water enough to drown a dog,
Sulphur enough to stop the fleas,
Poison enough to kill a cow,
Potash enough to wash a shirt,
Gold enough to buy a bean,
Silver enough to coat a pin,
Lead enough to ballast a bird,
Phosphor enough to light the town.

Strength enough to build a home,
Time enough to hold a child,
Love enough to break a heart.

behold, Uroboros

the relatives're coming over this weekend!

Once more we learn about the circle of life. You da man, Merlin (except the killing-babies part, of course).

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

happy spots

Another unexpected postcard!
Life is making it up to me for yesterday's terror (and yes, terror is really the right word - the result of a haywire imagination and watching cK play L4D).

Memory serves at such inopportune moments sometimes.

Now, I find myself in a bad situation where civilities force me into a corner from which I have no escape. With every cell in my being I refuse to do what is expected of me from certain quarters, yet it seems there is no other choice.
Oh, dear. Time to bury myself in books again. ><

p.s.: Remember that awful news I mentioned? It's doing a lot better now :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

the eleventh day of christmas?

Eeughhh, chlorine. Gross.

You'd think I'd have things to say about camp and the Christmas party, but I don't - which surprises even myself. Maybe it's just my lousy hold on the language and my insufficient vocabulary. Oh, well.

Made tang yuen with Shawn today. Our colours were white, pink, green and blue; our shapes were decidedly not-round. I concentrated on making pyramids and caterpillars, whilst he did rings and pancakes. The shapes looked too freaky to be served, so mum made us eat our own.

Thrice washed, and still icky with Cl. Gah.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Image storing with Picasa. LOL. Please don't say anything, it's for the sake of forum-whoring (to which I've become addicted). *shame-faced*

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

somersaults and cartwheels

The wEiRdEst postcard in my life and the funniest complexion.
A piece of
awful news and a huggy pillow.
One fridge emptied and one inexplicably moving book read.

Home sweet home.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

gysahl greens

Tomorrow morning, the alarm will go off at a quarter past five. I don't think I can handle the idea. O_O

It will awaken me to a week of camp - which probably equates to:
squeezing and sleeping in dusty, musty, smelly, squashy tents;
waking up at five every subsequent morning with all ten toes frozen off;
eating three meals of gross food a day;
scorpions and mosquitoes and snakes in the area;
communal bathing and hideous toilets;
and weather that will very likely be awful.

And there must be some facet of me -
that even I did not know about - that is somewhat masochistic, because I'm actually rather excited.


How long will ye vex my soul, and
break me in pieces with words?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

throwing in the towel

As is probably extremely obvious from the title, I have decided to give up in my efforts to keep my titles at one word each. Bah, it was a stupid thing to do in the first place.

Psst. I have no idea if those berries are edible (I didn't have the guts to try). Can anyone tell me if they are? Because they look yummy.

I'm curious. I've never glomped or been glomped before, so I wonder what it feels like. Might be dangerous to the recipient if I were the one glomping, though. Hmm...

Pausing the music player in favour of re-watching Blood+


It can get very confusing when something that more or less means everything feels like nothing at all. Where has the year gone? I demand my sophomore (I think) year back!

I've just returned from a long sojourn in the land of my books, and I'm boggy - only this time, the book was about something a lot more pleasant than baby-eaters. Ahhh, there's something to dream about tonight.

Hearing faint strains of Takahashi Hitomi's Kaze no Kirin

p.s.: the teh o ais limau near my place rocks. I'll buy you some when you visit ;)

Saturday, December 6, 2008


If there really are gods in the skies, then they sure do hate me. This is the celestial equivalent of a Dreadnought. Or a V4 - blow after blow after blow. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh.


Perseverance is key...well, that and a whole load of, um, encouragement? Whatever that was, it worked. ;) Thanks a bunch, buddy. You're a blockhead, but thanks anyway. :)

Shopping trips with my mum always prove completely disastrous.

The feets are tapping along to: Nobuo Uematsu's Vamo'alla Flamenco

Friday, December 5, 2008


Even with the ordeal over, the differences resolved and the truce made, the memory of how easily it came about still haunt the mind.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Ye gods.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hat. Hat. Hat.

I've learned something today about exceeded expectations.

"Tom, if irony were
strawberries, we'd all be drinking
a lot of smoothies right now."

(p.s.: photo credit goes to munchkin.)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


(note: the following statements do not necessarily relate to one another.)

I can't think straight with my head about to explode like this.

I know I shouldn't, but I do.

I'm feeling angry with someone I should never have cause to be angry with.

I hate that everyone - yes, including me - is so damned quick to denigrate others.

I wish my dad were home.

I regret what happened, but I won't admit it. No way in hell.

I want to pledge my organs for donation after I die, and then I want to have a closed-casket ceremony.

Cold showers are my personal kind of panacea.

I don't feel ready for camp.

I want more aspirin, but it would probably OD me.

My speakers aren't working, but if they were I'd be listening to Dido's White Flag


I am full of grate (haha) to the two huggables who came with me today and listened to my incessant, inconsequential chatter as I had my hair cut. You have no idea how much that means to a person who dislikes trips to salons and endures the treatment as though it's torture.

My new haircut is about as fickle as I am -- it can look decent one moment and in the next it's similar to the grandma next door's hair. I guess that's appropriate, though I wish it'd make up its mind.

Redneck (probably only nutnut will understand this)

Not listening to anything. It's late ;)

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Two days. No more than two days' worth of airtime before my poor Ennui header was stripped off its position and replaced.

I should never be left alone with a computer installed with any creative software. Gah.

Humming: Basshunter's Mellan Oss Tvaa


p.s.: If it isn't evident enough in the image itself, this new header was based on the suggestions of the great Chum Zu. *hug*

Saturday, November 29, 2008


"It is, I suppose, at the heart of it a test of will. For as much as it costs you do act as you think is right, it will be doubly hard for you to resist doing so in the face of practicality. After all, morality is naught but a person's perception of justice, and that perception changes so markedly between individuals that it is, perhaps, not exactly the best compass in times like these. The question is, even when your head and heart are in sync, does that necessarily prove that they are correct? Or are they both wrong?"
"Do you have to turn everything into an object of philosophical scrutiny? Just shut up and get moving."

A woman asks her son to come along with her to the supermarket one fine Sunday.

When they get there, she gets herself a trolley and begins her shopping. However, a mere two items into her list, she spots the unbelievably long queues at the payment counters. Not wanting to have to line up for hours when she has finished her shopping, she instructs her thirteen year old to take the two items from the trolley and get into line, effectively "booking" her a spot in the line.

Half an hour and a whole trolley-load of groceries later, she comes back to the counters and finds that the lines are just as long, but she doesn't bat an eyelid as her son is already in second place in his line. She quickly joins the queue at the point where her son is standing, his hands still clutching the two packets of cheese.

A man in line directly behind the boy starts grumbling and complaining, but she can't understand what he is so offended about. After all, there is no crime in joining her son, is there?

The angry man begs to differ. He has chosen this line in particular because he believed the boy only had two items to purchase and therefore would be done faster - and now his mother comes up with a whole trolley of stuff??

If you were to be appointed the judge for this "case", who would you find guilty?

Singing (badly) along to: Younha's Houkiboshi

Friday, November 28, 2008


Yet another new header! I really can't keep my hands off the Ps icon, can I.

Hmm...this one looked somewhat a lot better when i was working on it. Doesn't look half as good on the blog, damn.

Oh, well.

Right now it's: Hoshimura Mai's Sakura Biyori


It's taking forever to install Photoshop on this god-forsaken laptop. I could go and grind some beans for coffee and finish the whole mug before it's done.

Oh, wait, it's done. My bad.

Psst. The photo above demonstrates what steam can do in the right light. Just wish I had a better camera than my phone's at the time.

Listening to: YUI's Goodbye Days

Thursday, November 27, 2008


In honour of my tenth time thrashing Necron, I pay homage to my favourite FFIX character - now and forever.

Vivi Ornitier did not deserve his fate.
He especially, especially did not deserve to die before he could see Zidane return.
The remade prototypes will never be able to replace him, no matter how much they are like him.

Every shade of green.


I am making a vow to myself. I will not visit known fangirls' blogs over the course of the next week, for fear of getting my brains blasted out by their ravings about the movie. So I solemnly swear.

It's really awe-inspiring, how far we've come. It's all very well for us to stick a drop of rainwater under the microscope and go "Ooh, look, microorganisms! Look, the amoeba's only got one cell! Fascinating!" But we think less often of the fact that we're descended from them, don't we?

The first life was unicellular, and presumably its binary fission made more and more of itself until the seas were teeming with single-celled beings.

So...from brainless single cells, here we are aeons later, billions of cells taller and with brains enough to make us want to look back and see where life started. Consciousness, that would arguably be the biggest miracle here.

That a bunch of cells could come together to create this awareness is amazing. And what kick-started it was probably a kind of mutation, so now we know how great the power of variance can be. Never laugh at mutants, folks. Their descendants might start preying on yours, ha.

It can be very enlightening, watching the History Channel. Heh.

I'm not saying omniscience is the answer, though. Not in a thousand years.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


And no, I don't mean re-pose.

To anyone who's interested, hot sulphur baths are -- as far as I'm concerned -- not much different from a hot shower at home. Pfft.

I find it annoying that absence doesn't leave as much of an effect on me as I would fancy it to.

Oh, something I saw in Kinabalu Park:

Only when the last tree has been cut down
Only when the last river has been poisoned
Only when the last fish has been caught
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.

I hate being what I hate, and yet I can't help it. Rats.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008



Stuff. Stuff. Insert cool/humourous/deep thoughts here. Stuff. Stuff. Stuff. Insert witty quote here. Stuff. More stuff. And stuff.

Even more uninspired than usual. Blimey.

I've just a minute ago surfaced from what I call 'bogginess', so pardon me if I, well, act boggy. Wait, no - on second thoughts, who cares if I'm pardoned. Sod you if you can't look past a little bogginess. Odds are, you haven't just read some hugely disturbing tale about a possessive mother eating her own baby. Gods, what the hell do these writers think of?

I don't know why, but I feel like reading that book, whatsitcalled, Death: The High Cost of Living. Probably because the title is so cute. Ghnaa...

It's hard, peeling oranges for juice.

Why is it that I can't bring myself to blog a little less childishly? Why do I always sound so damned imbecilic? I'm Benedict Spinazo reincarnated, for crying out loud. I'm supposed to be - what did Tickle say? Oh, yes - a Visionary Philosopher, with a supposed intelligence quotient of 135. Hah. I guess reality has proven the numbers wrong.

But the sun is our ally. With its next rising comes tomorrow, and with tomorrow comes lemon meringue pie. Plus a movie. All the more reason to switch on the highbeams.

Oh, and: I'm going to try to keep my post titles at a one-word maximum (hence this title). Don't ask me why, I'm not too sure myself.

Psst, did you know King Julien from Madagascar is voiced by the actor who played Borat?
You know, Yoda was a poet in his own right.

Monday, November 17, 2008


The garden in its better days.

Hell and damnation.
Can anyone please, please tell me which piece of equipment gives Dagger her Berserk ability? Or is it not even Berserk? I only know that there's a gap between Confuse and Float, and that it pisses me off supremely. Every one of my characters has learned every single ability they can learn except for Dagger, who has that one last, gaping blank there.
Damn it, damn it!

katoo is: bored by habit, idle by nature.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Do you seek out peril?!
One would think that years of being a mortal would have made you more aware of mortality!

You would think instructions as clear and simple as those would be easy to follow. Don't tell me I've overestimated their intelligence. Pfft.

katoo is: a firm disbeliever in Freedom With Limits.

Friday, November 14, 2008

my eyes have been fried right out of their sockets.

I've got a question. Who agrees with me that ichtys has a seriously warped sense of humour?

It's all very good to have lots of fun when you're drawing your omake pages - especially for serious stories - but really, why can't ichtys do cool omake like Tite Kubo or at least Nobuyuki Anzai?

No, the omake pages for Superior just have to be so disturbingly gross.

It is way, way too much to see one of the main characters (who, in the series, is a flirtatious pretty boy with terrible attitude) wearing...well, naught but a thing which is referred to as 'Grandpa Megumi'.

And the worst one so far? The omake at the beginning of volume 7, in which the main character (whom I happen to like a lot - *sniff sniff*) appears in a freaking fundoshi*! Oh, the horror.

*mun, trust me when I say it is extremely sickening. Especially if you like Exa.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm training Freya this time. Good riddance to Rusty.

Downloading a few chapters of Superior now, yay!

I support the theory of Ozma being a forgotten eidolon. I mean, according to what the summoners thought, eidolons are born from stories - not the other way around. So it is, of course, fitting that Ozma no longer has a proper shape because he is not known to any but the Friendly Spirits now. What's more, the name of that rock in which he resides is called Eidolon Grave (Eidolon Cave in some versions).
Poor Ozma.

I still haven't managed to defeat him yet. I heard it's possible if you train Quina, but I hate Quina! Ah, woe is me.


Mun, guess what? I got an email from Steven! O.O
Haha, okay, I was joking. Where the hell would he get my email address, right. Heh.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

the mage and the vessel

This is where you bury the dead...?

What's the point of this? It isn't like the dead would appreciate it.'re right, but I don't think we build cemeteries for the dead.
Sure, it may seem pointless to you, but... How can I describe it? It's so we can think like this:
"We will never forget you. We'll remember you every time we stand at your grave. And we won't let the fear of death, which each of us knows, stop us from living our lives. Because my friends will remember me when I'm here."


Mr. 288 makes a lot of sense, does he not?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Okay, RuiC, I'll play your little game...but out of spite for you and consideration for others, I won't pass it on to anyone, so there.

15 weird things/habits/little-known facts about me, huh? Okay...

I hate it when people ignore me. Not just the normal get-annoyed kind, either - I throw a huge hissy fit and usually end up sulking for the next three hours.
I have a tendency to freak myself out in the dark.
I only started sleeping with the lights off a few months ago.
I love the lemon meringue pie from Delicious.

I'm addicted to shoujo manga.
I scored only five out of ten at the recent BURA Carnival Mental Decathlon.
I tend to throw up upon the ingestion of onion/garlic/ginger.

I almost never eat my veges, and always take more than my fair share of fruits.

I love Final Fantasy IX more than any other role-playing game that Square has ever created.
I've defeated Necron about nine times now, just to watch the ending cutscene over and over again.
I abandoned my Maple character at level 36.

I think Nobuo Uematsu rocks.

I currently semi-follow a Malay drama series on TV3 named Sutera Maya. Don't ask.

I tried a few
lame-ass quizzes on Quizilla once, about which character from a Holly Black novel I would be, and got Roiben twice out of three. The third was Silarial.
I don't make my bed.
I climb in, I climb out. What's the point in folding the blankets?
I smashed my nose into an iron bar at the age of two, as a result of trying to climb a flimsy chair.

I can't stand a certain someone who keeps bugging me and my aibou*.

There. Fifteen - no more, no less.

*just to clarify matters, aibou is an extremely innocuous nickname for someone who, in return, called me nakama. Get the idea? Totally innocuous, people. Platonic. Geez.

Monday, November 10, 2008

one of us

"If you wanna be one of us non-conformists, all you gotta do is dress just like us and listen to the same music we do."

In a time where nearly nothing hasn't been tried before, what does one do to assert one's individuality?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Meet the Residents

This particular lizard is an extremely rude specimen.

I want a pet snake!
Everyone says snakes are nice and dry, not slimy...but they never remember to add that snakes are also really soft. The snakes we held were so cuddly!

ps: thank you for the phone sleeve, cynthia :)

Friday, November 7, 2008


of boredom and Matryoshka dolls

The school year is over. I'm...speechless.

It is extremely irritating for one who likes being a martyr to have a naturally high elasticity limit. Seriously, it's like being an attention-loving trooper whose wounds heal at supernatural speeds - and the scars aren't even apparent.

Be careful of the toes you step on today for they maybe belong to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes, it's freedom; no, I don't care.

I am determined not to give a beep about the barrage of results I will receive in the next two days. Exams're over, and I'll be damned to hell and back if the wretched things bring me down.

Unfortunately, there are other issues which are all too capable of dampening one's spirit.

The dead and the depressed should never be left alone.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

So much for having their own rooms.

"Eh, get out la."
"No, wait, lend me another book first. Which one can I read?"
"Uh... I don't know... Look on the top shelf and see."
"What's this about?"
[starts giving summaries of various books]...

--and so it's about half an hour before they clear out.

My two brothers, I have realised, spend an indecently large amount of time in my room. The two lumbering oafs (why isn't that 'oaves'?) just love sitting around in there gossiping like worried hens, for some reason. They come over every darned day and settle themselves on my floor* for a nice long chat. What is wrong with these guys?? One's twelve and the other's eighteen, for crying out loud!

They come in to steal some conditioned air, to borrow books, to borrow stationery, to borrow gadgets, to return everything**, to waste time...what is it with my room?! Gahh, get off, get out, rwaarrr!!

*where I have laid out a nice cushion for myself.
**actually, only the older one comes in to return what he borrowed - the younger one has to be hunted down for nearly a day before I get my stuff back.

I Want...

...a Maurice Lacroix Masterpiece Phase de Lune. A violet one.

But of course, I won't get it any time in the foreseeable future - owing to the fact that it's got dozens of diamonds set in it. Oh, well. At least I finally found my Mellan Oss Tva file! :D Lovely song, that. I also recommend Black Betty, though only for people who do trash metal. Huhuhu.

Two more days, nutcha. Time to awaken the long-dormant fingers to the sweet feel of the consoles...

Friday, October 31, 2008

"Credo, quia impossibile est." -Tertullian

"There are only two (kinds of) worlds - your world, which is the real world, and other worlds, the fantasy. Worlds like this are the worlds of human imagination: their reality, or lack of reality, is not important. What is important is that they are there. These worlds provide an alternative. Provide an escape. Provide a threat. Provide a dream, and power; provide refuge, and pain. They give your world meaning.They do not exist; and thus they are all that matters. Do you understand?"

-Titania, The Books of Magic by Neil Gaiman

Sunday, October 26, 2008

de te fabula

It's what we all do, isn't it?

Kinokuniya tomorrow. I'll take it as a test: if even manga can't lift my spirits, it's bad news.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

how humiliating

How awful. Today I brought myself down to the level of those I so scorn. Yes, I have entered that heinous state known as fandom. I know I hate fangirls but I can't stop doing some very sad things sometimes.

What did I do? I went around looking for the clearest recording of Bella's Lullaby. Yes, I know, sad.

Condemn me, hurl abuse at me, stone me to death and bury my body in a grave twenty inches deep right under small, leguminous, dog-frequented trees. I deserve it.


If it matters at all, though, I actually thought it was quite nice. Carter Burwell did a pretty good job when he made it. And I had no idea Rob Pattinson could sing O.O though that recording of Never Think was kind of blurry. Weird. Crap, I bet those listening parties must've been crowded as hell.

In another matter, though. I found a hideously disturbing video that used Fallen Angel as the soundtrack, and CHRIST, it was scary. Why is the falling of an angel always depicted as something so grossly demonic? Yuck. But Russian songs are funny to listen to :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hah! Nostrum!

So much for that cure-all. I'm still feeling so low. Stupid weather. What wouldn't I give for a gun and the right to use it. Not just a sissy derringer, either. I want something bigger, meaner, more painful.

People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character.



Positively fibre-shredding.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


a break in my soppy posts.

Time for a good ol' dose of Terry Pratchett!

Customs inspection.
I don't think we have any.
I mean, we used to have a tradition of rolling hard-boiled eggs downhill on Soul Cake Tuesday, but--

What I mean is, do you have any beer, spirits, wines, liquors, hallucinogenic herbage, or books of a lewd or licentious nature?

Would you like some?

I love the old guy.

i think it's all coming back easier now


My last post was about something that dates back to around seven years ago, but this one is only about three.

The same girl, that much older now - the same, yet different. She waits nervously to one side of the school hall, hoping fervently to be sorted into that class. She isn't paying much attention to anything or anyone around her save that teacher reading out the names. Damn you, hurry it up already!

Her name is called, at last. Ah, sweet relief. Walking over to join the line, she mentally berates her surname. Start with the letter T, why don't you? Put me at the back of every line, why don't you? But luck is in. Her being at the end of the line does her an immeasurable favour, and by the time the orientation is over, she leaves the hall with more than she had come in with.


It doesn't seem to be slowing. Is that good or bad?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

the adventitious resurfacing of such old memories...


Seven years ago, I think it was. About there, anyway.

A short girl in a primary school uniform, standing outside a classroom. Slower even than usual in moving into the next class. Not exactly daydreaming, just being too
bored to bother being in a hurry.

By the time she sauntered into class, her usual seat at the side had been taken.
Damn. There weren't any more empty tables; she'd have to join someone's. But she didn't like joining other people...

Oh, damnit. The only choice she had was between this occupied table and that one, and that one over there. What a bummer. Resigned, she trudged up to the table at the very back of class.


Something happened then. I'm not sure what, but
something, anyway.
I often wonder what would've happened if that girl had chosen another table to join.
Life would've been so different, wouldn't it?
Strange how such small, seemingly inconsequential decisions can affect life like that.


I find it amazing how the bulk of my little 'coterie' was made quite by accident. Hat. Hat. Hat. X)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

to call it thought-provoking would be an understatement.

I've just finished The Twilight Watch, and it had a...satisfactory ending. Not happy, not exactly very sad either, but it kind of fit.
So at the core of all that intrigue and warring, it was all just about keeping things the way they were. Hmm. The trilogy was pretty good, all in all. :)

Now, on to the next book!
*crawls into bro's book cupboard*

Friday, October 3, 2008

boredom is the catalyst of soul-rot.

sez eet awll.


- horror and doubt distract

His troubled thoughts, and from the bottom stir
The Hell within him; for within him Hell
He brings, and round about him, nor from Hell
One step, no more than from himself, can fly
By change of place: now conscience wakes despair
That slumber'd, wakes the bitter memory
Of what he was, what is, and what must be -

- John Milton, Paradise Lost

(I have got to stop rereading my books, dagnabbit. Just because they're there - doesn't mean I gotta read them. Ugh.)

I've no wish to rule. Bloody nuisance if you're asking me.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

the New Shelf fund

Ah, one of these moments again. When I want to blab about something, anything, but can't think of a suitable topic. Hmm. Darn.

Oh, I need a new shelf. I'm double-stacking three shelves full of books (narrow shelves, though - I don't have that many books, despite my wishes to the contrary) and I need the space, dammit. I've got about 50 books of varying thicknesses - not counting my manga and VIB shelf - lying on my room floor (sacrilegious, innit?), homeless for the time being since I've tipped them out of their rightful places. The horror. They deserve better than that...well, some of them, anyway.

So - I'm starting my New Shelf fund, a fund with the sole purpose of buying myself a new shelf. I'm thinking I'll get that shelf about...early next year? Yeah man :D


Holy potatoes. Shawn's reading Master of the Game and he won't stop it! What have I done?! No no no no no no no no no no no no no!! Aack!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"You bloody bastard."

"Exactly so. Run back to your room if you can't handle it."

Recognise that, Bostress? :)

kak padshiy angel

It tasted of fullness, of longing and wishful thinking and want, so that one bite left him empty.

If only priorities were as easily sorted as socks.
I wonder if it's normal to feel so out of it. I hope it blows over soon, because I am thoroughly sick of it. Grrr.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

daydream or nightmare?

I dream of dogs and of wild beasts,
I dream that animals with eyes like lamps;

Bit into my wings high in the heavens,

And I crashed unwittingly, like a fallen angel...

I don't remember the fall, I only remember
The impact as I struck the cold stones;
How could I have flown so high and then
Tumbled down so cruelly, like a fallen angel?

-Nautilus Pompilius, Like A Fallen Angel

Is it too much to hope that my mind clears up soon?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Itchy fingers

Well, well...another colour change. I wonder why I can't just leave my blog alone.


...anyhoo, I have a few rather strange things to mull over.

Numero uno:
Creating a wordless sequence of images depicting a barely-there storyline (because my scriptwriters have weekends too) isn't as easy as I'd hoped. Mario Oswald Puddington needs work. Lots of work.

Numero dos:
I never knew you could continue your dreams where they leave off. I mean, one week later and poof! - I'm back on that same night, and the events pick up right where I'd stopped the week before. How odd.

Numero tres:
Apparently it's possible to never call a friend (with whom you interact daily) by name. Who knew?? Oh, sure I refer to G-R-A-C-E by name when speaking to others. But she says I never call her that to her face. Really? I never noticed. Sorry, G.
(Oh, wait. I see. I think I get it. Whoops.)

Numero...uh, whatever it is...:
I'm not sure if anyone has realised that the word "random" is way, way too overused. I mean, sure, it's a great word that just radiates randomness, but surely there are synonyms? I've checked through my blog and I'm disgusted by the number of "random"s in here, so I'm gonna try my hardest not to use that word any more than is appropriate. Ha.

Numero I-have-no-idea-what-'five'-is:
I want to watch The Other Boleyn Girl, and I want to go see Mamma Mia!, so who's with me? :D

Numero same-goes-for-'six':
I am quite creamed for the upcoming exams. Hmm. Oh, whatever. Has anyone heard that wonderful song, I Can Walk On Water, I Can Fly? It's great. <(^^,)>


Jonas Erik Altberg! Ha, what a dorky name. No wonder he got himself a pseudonym. X)


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

so says I

Behold! - my new header!

Whatcha think? :)
"If you wish the light to be seen, you have to take it into dark places."

It was a fun Saturday.
Will you believe, I haven't had a single mooncake this year??

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


the past weekend seems to have involved a vast number of candles.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

not my fault

You could say to the universe this is not fair. And the universe would say Oh, isn't it? Sorry.

Pop goes the big vein

Does anyone realise how increasingly annoying the world has become? Or maybe it's just that I've been in an awful mood lately. Whatever it is, an awful mood sometimes has the ability to cut right through all the crap and put a fresh perspective in mind - which is most often one that showcases the more irritating aspects of the people around you.

An awful mood suits me right now.


On a relatively unrelated matter, I've just been to someone's blog - I won't say who - and was bombarded with stupidity of levels unimaginable. I won't be hypocritical and claim I'm superior to anyone in terms of intelligence. Bimbotic people do have brains. If they didn't, they probably wouldn't be alive. But aside from all the basic functions and subconscious actions, they sure don't use it a lot.
I've seen cases where some doofus doesn't want to appear quite so shallow and raids the dictionary for long (at least five syllables) and impressive-sounding words to use in a post, only to forget the next day that such a word exists.
Worse, I've seen sad, lovesick posts on blogs of people who, I am one hundred percent certain, have no lovelife to speak of. Why bother, for heaven's sake?
But then again, who am I to comment on others' styles of expressing themselves?

I think my temper's blown over.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A dress? Aack! No friggin' way!

Here's the thing I've learned about weddings. If there is no option but to attend one, then by golly, get into the committee! It makes things a lot more fun, really. You even get a pretty corsage! I didn't think I'd actually enjoy myself, but it just goes to show: I'll never make it big in the world of predictions.

Guess what? I proved to mummy dearest that not only could I walk straight in my heels, but I could even lari anak-anak. Hah! Take that! ^^ Plus I got my hair curled without quite planning to. My mum's hairdresser wasn't very good at English, so I left it to my mum to decide what to do to my head. Next thing I know, the lady's heating up some awful-looking instrument and grabbing my hair and pulling it and -- ta-daa! She wasn't trying to kill me after all! Terrifying, that was.

Photos! We start with one of the happy couple ;)


Brothers...(oh, sorry, one of them looks so awful I'd rather not put it up) :P

There isn't a single solo one of me that I like, damnit. Oh, well.
(these're a little blurry because my cousin took em with her phone...)
(...and in case you're really dense, neither of the ones with short, jagged hair is me)

And the best bit? The inanimate objects, of course...I wrapped the present that my mum bought for the bride. Now I hate the sight of sequins.

This pretty, sparkly thing took me an hour and a half. Ugh.

"Ohmygod, why are you taking pictures of your chest??"
It was fun.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I wish the rain would stop.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Inochi wa Tsuzuku

It's over - wait, no, actually, nothing's over. You can't put an end to what never began, and it, whatever it was meant to mean, never did.
Things have been said, could have been thought, might have been felt. But in the end, no memento was left behind - no actions to prove the words, no memories worth keeping. Nothing at all exists to stand for the existence of what very nearly did.
Life goes on. For everyone.
Today is for grieving, but you shall have neither tomorrow nor any other day from me.

Emopost, ha. Sorry, I was drafting out something for Paisley Puppets and felt like putting up an excerpt. Hehe.

Oh, and update on Unc's wedding soon. Promised a certain cuzzy I'd do that much for her, at the very least.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Right, now I'm pissed.
What the hell is wrong with these people? Don't they possess even four nanograms of common sense? Isn't there any practicality going through their heads? Can't they recognise logic when it runs laps around them screaming its name? Is their twisted rationality there simply so they can feel more elite than others?
It's called a board for a reason. Does that word not imply a certain amount of equality? It's not called Leaders & Co., is it now?
Should not the whole board know, at the very least, what they're working to produce?
Oh, no. Certainly not. Too much information is hazardous. Only the ones highest up are capable of handling such risks, right?


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

nibble nibble

I've just realised I have some pretty weird habits. I know it's common for people to bite their lip, but I bite on a little more than just my lip.

When I'm bored, I chew on my hangnails.
When I'm thinking about something, or being pensive, I bite the inside of my right cheek.
And when I'm bothered by something, I'll chew on my lip.
That's kind of freaky. Does that mean I like eating skin??


I plead temporary insanity.

I went and bought myself a pair of three-inch black and silver heels today, unthinking beyond the prettiness. Oh, the fool that I am! So what if my cousin got super-high heels and I don't want to look shorter than her? Is it worth killing my feet??


It might be. XD

Sunday, August 31, 2008

yet another colour change


I am attempting once again to cast away this monochromatism :D
So I'm green now! Though I doubt it'll last very long...I still prefer the white...but I get bored, so this'll probably change soon, too XD

Merdeka ;)

I take it back. Today was better than I thought it would be :D Especially the bit where we hung out at the playground X)
Pictures memang ada...but not with me >< I lost track of whose cameras I saw today...but Sabreena and/or Sofea would be a safe bet :)

book excerpts. hehe XD
"You, sir, are a poop."
"That I may be, but you love me. You, madam, love a poop."

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I don't like my blog. I don't like how it looks anymore. Hmm.


Roiben doesn't (and can't, anyway) smoke. Isn't that awesome? And thankfully, Kaye had to stop too. Ah, such *ahem* dainty lungs... X)

It's random. But then, isn't that what it's supposed to be?

Good News To All Smokers

The International Tobacco Syndicate, on its Golden Anniversary, wishes to invite Smokers of all ages to join in its biggest Anniversary Sweepstakes Draw, where every smoker is a sure winner!

All smokers have the chance of winning the following prizes.

Grand Prizes: A brand new Cancer, Bronchial Infection, Goiter, Sinusitis, Migraine, Cerebral Tumour, Paralysis, Hypertension, and Asthma.

Second Prizes: Special Hepatitis, Meningitis, Bronchitis.

Third Prizes: Colored TB, Emphysema, Arteriosclerosis, Gingivitis, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, and Lung Cancer.

You can also have a chance to win consolation prizes such as: Tartar Deposits, Bad Breath, Stained Teeth, Appetite Loss, and Swollen Gums.

Join now! Remember that the more sticks you puff, the more chances of easy winning. Fabulous prizes await you! Please claim your prizes at the nearest funeral parlor.

This promo is a limited offer!

See your X-Ray result for more details!

Paisley puppets~

"Prove it."

I like finding nice book excerpts X) mainly because it involves rereading a whole host of books.

National Day, huh?
Marching under the scrutiny of the residents of DU? Waking up at six on a Sunday? Losing half of a perfectly good, parent-free weekend? Hanging out with the likes of which I'd rather not? Getting yelled at by a sadistic commander and another fella who can't fully grasp the fact that he isn't in charge?


I am just so, so patriotic, aren't I?

Saturday, August 23, 2008

newfound fascination

Holy crap. Why isn't this guy better known?? He's... O.O I have no words for what he is. Wait till I'm done hyperventilating; maybe then I'll find the right words. I first learned of him through watching CNN (don't ask) while I was in Zurich, and only now have I remembered the name of his site. *smacks forehead* But really, this dude is un-freaking-believable.

Check him out: Phil Hansen!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Before I heard the doctor tell
The dangers of a kiss
I had considered kissing you
The nearest thing to bliss
But now I know biology
And sit and sigh and groan
Six million mad bacteria
And I thought we were alone!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hades and Persephone ;)

I'm here...because I want to be.
You want to be?
Verily, I do. Do you doubt it?

Rereading an all-time favourite book about twisted Things-With-Wings is great for an hour or so of entertainment on a dull afternoon.


Shell-shock. That's what it is.
I feel numb. My palms shine a sickening pink at me, the many crescent-shaped indents glowing clearly in a darker shade of colour. My face is stiff with dried tears. I feel as though I will choke on this air. My mind is paralysed with fear and remorse. Fear for the worst that has yet to come, and remorse for all I've caused.
Was it so worth it? A movie and a few songs...was it worth seeing the hurt I caused? Was it worth losing what trust they had in me? Was it worth breaking my promise? Was it worth wounding them that way?


I've decided to put book excerpts in every post now :D


Oops. Haha, I really can't shake off this monochromatism, can I.
This was supposed to have green in it. Unfortunately, I ended up turning it mostly grey. So much for having a clear idea of what I wanted.
Hands up anyone who understands my new header! ;) You get a prize if you get it right~

Saturday, August 16, 2008


the most important sign in Switzerland

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

because work is calling and I am acting deaf

Yup, nothing like the loud, wailing sirens of 'WORK WORK WORK!' to make you run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Or, in my case, clap my hands over my ears and sing off-key as loud as I can manage. Ah, the procrastinator lives on in my soul.

So. Anyway. I'm here to waste time on the computer on the pretext of work. So I shall begin by listing out my top three favourite (male - of course) vampires to date, because I've realised that so many books I've read recently involve these kinds of beings. [I'm kind of waiting for my vids on YouTube to buffer and load up and all, so bear with me.]

3 Vlad de Magpyr...

2 Ash Redfern...

1 Cian McCionaoith...!! XD

note: Yeah, Edward Anthony Masen Cullen ain't in here. I'm not about to turn into one of those people. But if he were, he'd be...between Ash and Cian. But only because Ash is blond and I've got an itsy-bitsy something against blondes.


Monday, August 11, 2008

View from Hyde Park. Wonder what that is...

"Only those with their feet on rock can build castles in the air."

-Carpe Jugulum, Terry Pratchett

freak show

A bunch of people
A pack of cards
A set of hilarious rules
Cuzzies are great for stuff like this.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

a regular old me is bad enough.

a tear-stained me is worse.

a suicidal me is the worst.

add them all together and you get my current state of mind.

the worst bit?

knowing that it's my own stupid fault.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Disclaimer: I am a bad photographer with a camera that isn't exactly top-of-the-range, if you get my overlook all the blurriness, bad angles and strange lighting, and don't give me no grief about all that.

the Golden Lounge in KLIA for those flying anything but in because my mum paid for my entry with Enrich points X)

In-flight food tasted better than I had dared hope for

My sightseeing in London all humpty-tumptily summed-up X)


oh. damn.
Me ma says I'm to get my arse to bed nOW.
Oh well. The Switzerland snaps can wait XD

till next time, then!

ps: Holy crap my specially-ordered Kyuukyoku Venus arrived! Ossum!
pps: You won't believe how much BNM gave me for getting straight As for PMR. Shocked me well, it did XDDDDDDD

back to black

Heh. My stint with colour didn't work out.
It's back to monochromes for me!
Just realised I'm quite big on monochromatic stuff. Hmm... X)

Gonna start on the photos from Europe! :D

Thursday, July 24, 2008


It's entirely too easy to loathe the happy family next to me at the bus stop, laughing together and having so much fun.

I miss home. I miss my dad and brothers. I miss my friends. I miss my room. I miss the comfort of all things familiar.
I want to hear noise. I don't need that much tranquility and quiet, countryside peace. More than just noise, I need Malaysian noise.
I miss the knowledge that company is just out of sight, but within reach. I miss being only a message away from my friends. I miss being able to saunter over to Shawn's room whenever I'm bored, and always be welcome there.

It's entirely too easy to think of home.
I wonder how I shall ever hope to study abroad.
I miss Malaysia.
I miss my home - or rather, everything about home that makes it so.

It's funny how things are taken for granted like that.
I guess it's true that you never know what you have till it's gone.
Lucky for me I can get it back, then.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

oh and:
this place is too cold for a born-and-bred Malaysian, seriously. I finished Carpe Jugulum, and it is an AWESOME read. Why oh WHY don't we study Terry Pratchett for Eng.Lit.?
I love everyone who misses me ;) QC

ps: the bostress was right about goodlooking guys when she returned from london last year, i can say that at least.

pps: how're the tests? LOL
*dreaming of Vlad...of laughing at him*


this is me from switzerland, using the uber-expensive internet service at the hotel. 2 francs for 10 minutes, can you believe?? and this keyboard's all messed up with funny characters like éöàäüè and whatever. retarded. the view's pretty but too cloudy! I'm going to ride some weird cablecar thing later today. Could be fun X)

my punctuation is off, cos i can't find half the keys i want, dammit.
oh shit, one minute left. Ciao!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Ahh, the stress of planning and packing. It's more than enough to make you grimace and think,
"This had better be worth it..."
I wonder if it will. But then again, anything's better than sitting for some stupid monthly tests. XD

I think.

I'm off! :D

Sunday, July 13, 2008

daddy and the pretty bird that fell into our garden

I'm emptying out my mum's camera in anticipation of good photo ops in Europe.
Mum's orders *salute*.

Sunday, July 6, 2008



Sunday, June 29, 2008

A continuation of Grace's rant on BANDWAGON JUMPERS

I'm making this post since I was invited to continue it. Get my drift? I'm not doing it just 'cause Grace's doing it, which is a multitude more than I can say about plenty of people out there.

I bought Twilight ages ago, ages. And fell in love with it immediately; having thoughts of the story running through my mind every waking hour, wishing I could read the next already, grinding my teeth to uneven edges just thinking the whole damn thing over and over, going online everyday to check for updates at the author's site. This is why I hate bandwagon people so much. The hypocritical ones, who've become so accustomed to jumping around that they barely notice it anymore. They delude themselves, tell themselves that they're one of the 'pioneers', swallow their own lies and tell it wholeheartedly to everyone else. But that doesn't change the fact that it's a lie, now, does it? It doesn't change the fact that they're shortchanging on what the pioneers go through. They're making the pioneers' suffering, depression and longing look like cheap exaggeration due to their stupid, senseless overdoing it.

Oh, I'm so addicted I can't even sleep properly; I keep thinking about it!
Point: Stupid retard. If you had any brains at all you'd be more sparing about how you read it, and not flaunt your I-Love-Twilight-ness at anyone within reach.

How do these people do it, I don't understand. I've not read Narnia books, neither do I feel any need to. I doubt I'll ever, ever read a single one. I haven't read many Roald Dahl books, either; most of his works that I've read are his older-readers books. And I'm not about to start fawning over something just so I can have a topic of conversation with people about what's in at the moment.

Anyway. Back to the Twilight saga.
There're so many people, in one school alone, that have picked up this latest in-thing. I've lost count of the number of times I've seen a copy of one of the three books around school; brought by people desperate to prove their now-ness.
You know what that proves, skanks? Your own fraudery.
If you loved the books as much as you say, why on earth would you subject it to the harshness of those surroundings?
Why the hell would you bring it to someplace where the delicate, precious pages are open to the damned elements?
Why in heaven would you leave it to be battered and bent and creased by people picking it up and going, "Ooh, I read this too! Don't you think Edward's just soo hot?" Of course, that is the idea, I suppose. To show everyone that you're not left behind? Is that not it?

Disgusting. You'd think some people would have the decency to admit, "Actually, I'm only reading it based on the response it received. I'm quite liking it so far, though."
I mean, come on. Despite how wonderfully I think of Meyer-sensei, it's impossible that her style of prose is everyone's cup of tea.

Absolutely revolting.

These vile organisms are so caught up in the books because these books are popular among young adults. But do you see them squealing over The Host? No. Oh, dear me, no. Why would they? They have no knowledge that it exists; no true love and respect for the author that they'd look up her other works and spend sixty bucks on it if it wasn't famous among their peers.

And anime or manga? What's with all these kids barely out of pri-school uniform trying and failing miserably to draw manga? Half of the bonebrains don't even know the difference between the manga and anime, for crying out loud.

I've been interested in the stuff since nearly a decade ago; long before the sudden surge in interest. I can't stand the way these halfwits're all suddenly using "Ganbatte!" or "Kawaii!" every four seconds in their speech. I'm a genuine fan but even I wouldn't make a foolish-looking habit of it.

Well, I'm about done. Sod all you greenhorn bandwagoners out there, even if you believe you aren't. May the heavens shut their pearly gates in your face.

p.s.: G, you knew I'd have plenty to say, didn't you?