Sunday, March 30, 2008

the socks

Something kinda freaky happened recently. As I'm sure Chum II remembers, we went shopping that day and she was really close to getting this one tee...but decided against it. We went to meet up with the others after that (in school, to practice for pbsm mk...but we didn't actually get round to doing that) and guess what? Chum VII was wearing that exact same tee. Coincidence, huh.
And what's weirder is that there was this pair of really cute nike socks (it's got green stripes on it. ^^) that i was interested in but ended up not buying...and a week later, i'm rummaging around in my mum's stuff...and hey presto, i find the same socks! O.O astounding, innit. Gee whiz.

ps: for those who hate hearing unresolved tales, basically i wheedled till my mum made me a present of the socks just to shut me up. happy? 'cause i am X)

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