Saturday, October 30, 2010


"Ah, but see us go our separate ways..."

Despite what some may think, I'm not fond of picking fights and starting arguments. I don't have what we Malaysians would call a debater's manner of going around being antagonistic and challenging others for the sport of it. I usually only pick out mistakes in other people's statements because I'm some kind of a grammar Nazi and silly errors annoy me, not because I want to engage in verbal battle. When I do have to argue, I prefer keeping things strictly rational and steady - the worst kinds of opponents are the kinds that rage, storm and refuse to admit that they're not making sense. And when I say fine, let's stop here, I mean it. It is extremely frustrating to have to say it more than twice.

85% of my fights are with the kinds of opponents I can least stand, but they're probably the reason why I can't stand their type in the first place. Meh.

Friday, October 29, 2010

change ur world

A preview on Kame's own radio show, Kase by Kase! Happy is me. :) They've gone back to semi-rock! I've replayed the preview so many times since Saturday that I might just get tired of the song before it actually gets released next month... but no matter, there's always the PV (and the making of it) to look forward to! Never mind the fact that I have a serious mock exam two days after the release date, I'll be waiting online all day for the downloads to become available. :D

If only they had a wider fanbase here, I wouldn't have to be criminal about it and could've just bought the single (all three editions, woohoo) in original form, but nope. Not a peep. :(

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Spent far too much time fooling around with my fingernails today, but the results are none too shabby for a first-timer's attempt with such things. I am now (according to Shawn) certified semi-emo! Because only one hand has black nails, haha. :D Black is such an interesting colour for nails! I feel a little bit like Sebastian now. Or like Koki, come to think of it. Hmm. :/

I sound so bimbotic. It worries me.

Oh, my thumb's hideous. But who cares, my ring finger looks great!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Give me a week or two, maybe I'll be done laughing by then.

Mi Nam's Generation! Super awesome parody, with Lee Hongki in heels, LOL. I maintain that Jang Geun Suk makes quite a damned pretty female. Tae Kyung = ♥

Something that showcases just how crazy the love rivals are. I have no idea what Tae Kyung is doing to the wall, by the way.

Can't - stop - laughing!

Probably only so hilarious if you know how super serious most of these characters are within the actual story. Especially Mr. Biting Frost himself, whose actor is in actual fact a total dork worthy of rivaling SJ's Heechul. Oh, what am I going on about? They're ALL such dorks in these vids! ♥

an exploding... heart??

Strange metaphors these people do use.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Today I should have:
1 Completed my economics homework.
2 Carried out my hour of self-teaching Japanese.
3 Redone them transparencies.
4 Bound my economics PYQ book.
5 Bought batteries.
6 Looked up fractures.
7 Typed out my lesson plan.
8 Downloaded the pictures from the camera.

Today I have:
1 Not done any of the above.
2 Spent two hours watching Le Premier Verre.

. . . Rats. I really am the embodiment of procrastination.

ballads and the like

Cuts from episodes 16 and 7, respectively, of You're Beautiful, which doesn't have a single unlikeable track in its OST. Both songs are the sad, melancholic type, but they're so lovely I can't help loving them and keeping them on replay. I seem to have been on some kind of Korean roll lately. Hmm. I've been told that this was shocking since I've always been such a Japanophile, but I don't see why being one should mean that I'm automatically anti-Korean. I have always, from the beginning of this hallyu thing, maintained that each has its own merits. And like I've mentioned before several times, it doesn't matter what language good music is in and whether or not I understand. Good listening is good listening, and this OST is good listening.

BUT. Change Ur World will be out in a month! :P

You can bet your horse (or, failing that, your sibling) that I'll be ranting like crazy when it does, whether or not it lives up to my expectations. So if I appear to have cooled down at all about KAT-TUN, it's only because they've not released anything since NO MORE PAIŠ˜. I still love them to distraction!

Monday, October 18, 2010

when the weekends come

I owe my survival to KAT-TUN, A.N.Jell, Younha and 9th Street. Thank you for existing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

oh, what drama

But drama is exactly what one should expect from a drama. Cry, Tae Kyung, cry! >:D Payback for Mi Nyu's tears!

...though I can only watch sad scenes if there's a silver lining on the horizon.

Friday, October 15, 2010

pig-rabbit hybrids

Women of the world, marry a guy who would perform stuffed-toy surgery (like this) for you for no real reason. Really. You can't not find that hilariously cute.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

for the lulz

The more I watch him, the more I love the character Hwang Tae Kyung in You're Beautiful. Smooth character development aside, he has such funny quirks and such weird habits! Shellfish and sesame and pollen allergies, leporiphobia, an obsession with cleanliness and order, perfectionism, night-blindness, the weird thing he does with his mouth when he's thinking... O_O So many weaknesses in one character, but somehow he pulls it off quite well and it doesn't seem overdone.

[link] <-- super LOL moment.

I really like this K-drama, because of how visually pleasing everything is. And I'm not even talking about the people - though the main four are indeed a pleasure to watch, if only because they're all fantastic actors. The set itself is gorgeous, from the office/studio to their dorm.

A dorm? Really? I'd never have believed a 'dorm' so sumptuous and well-designed. The band members each have such spacious and amazing rooms (cleverly designed with the character's personality in mind, with brilliant uses of the huge space and of textures... Oh, now I'm waxing estate agent), and the common spaces are so well done! Good lighting, the right colours, excellent props... I could go on for hours. If I ever had a plot of land to build a house on, I'd model my house after this so-called dorm.

The clothes! I've always had a thing for the boat neck thing and the oversized neck thing, no idea what they're called but they're cho cool - and this drama ships both like no-one's business. Tae Kyung is almost always in either (follow link above)! Plus they have the other guys wearing other awesome gear, like the plethora of jackets they all seem to own, everyone's shades and the extremely cute beanie from Episode 8. (No-one beats the Japs at rocking hats, though, it's a fact.)

Ah, and the music. As expected of a story about a band, it's almost always playing just the right kind of song in the background. I guess it helps that the main actors are all also singers to a certain degree?

So, yes, in case it isn't bleedingly obvious by now, I am obsessed with this drama. The plot isn't much, but it's everything else - cast, costume, music, setting - that keeps me drawn to it. Nice, short, manageable dramas are bombs! On to the next episode!

Monday, October 11, 2010

agitation, agitation

I'm posting twice a day now, aren't I? I'm sorry, how annoying that must be. Anyway, this post is only here because I want to push the previous one (with the LOL picture and all) further down so that it won't appear in the screenshot of my blog on my New Tab page. My carefully planned aesthetic (I love my bookmarks) has been completely ruined.

So I will just rant here. Firstly: WHAT THE HELL IS UP WITH MY PERSONAL STATEMENT?! Why is it that it keeps turning out like a character-explaining life story instead of a concise explanation of my strengths (if those even exist), achievements (these definitely don't) and motivations? I try and try, but I just can't make myself sound impressive. I can make myself sound vaguely likeable (by constructing a false image from strategically-worded truths), yes, but to make the cut would require more than just a good attitude, wouldn't it? Someone, please just empty a cartridge right into my skull!

BUT. It's Trainers' Course this coming weekend!
*apprehension leaking out of every oversized pore*

This post really lives up to the name of this blog. LOL.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

cosplaying a geek

Because I'm taking a break from my insanely frustrating and hopelessly retarded personal statement. Really, I do so hate writing about myself. I especially loathe self-praise, too, so my statement's more "Hi, my name is So-and-So and I want to do this because of that; I collect seashells and enjoy writing poetry in my spare time" than "I achieved this and that and this too last year, and I will be a valuable addition to your student body."

Oh, hell. Why can't time just stop for a little while?

Anyway, this picture is related to the second point #1 of my previous post. 'Twas taken yesterday with my phone (hence the awful quality), in the fitting room of some store or other. I look totally like a fugly emo gamer GUY! xD

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Today was so... eventful that I don't quite know how to feel about it. Good and bad, fantastic and horrible. I think, on a whole, I am more happy than not (the scales tip in whichever direction I will them to), though I am also extremely tired. But let's be systematic about this.

Reasons to be happy:
1 The KAT-TUN concert DVD sitting on my shelf.
2 The Le Premier Verre (starring äŗ€, naturally) DVD sitting on my shelf.
3 The final volume of Those With Wings sitting on my shelf.
4 The three pieces of completely OOC clothing mummy bought for me.
5 The big fat Teach Yourself kit daddy bought for me.
6 The new packet of McVities in the kitchen.

Reasons to be less-than-happy:
1 The fact that I couldn't bring myself to buy my expensive Emo Gamer Guy cosplay ensemble.
2 My lack of a personal statement (and the inspiration for one).
3 The feeling of hideousness that always comes with shopping.
4 My near-bankruptcy.
5 The infuriating, rage-inducing slowness of my internet connection today.

There. Data to support my stubborn intent to be happy with what I have and not to bemoan what I don't. Really, it would be foolish to allow this happiness to be marred by such immoderate greed, dissatisfaction and impatience. Contentment. That's what I need to learn.

Friday, October 8, 2010

extracts from anywhere

"I have confidence in drawing."

*starts drawing*

"Whoa, I'm good today. I'm really good!"
"You've only drawn five lines!"

You may be good at art, T2, but don't underestimate abstract media and concepts. LOL.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I finally realised that I am rather like the character K from the manhwa I Wish by Seo Hyun-joo, in that I tend to become a wannabe clone of people I like. Seriously. Like in my Howl phase, when I wanted earrings like his, my Cian phase when I thought Irish names were so fascinating, my Izumo-no-Takeru phase when I decided that tsundere was out and smiley was in...

Yeah. But, er, I'm not sure what effect my äŗ€ fandom has had on my preferences just yet. Unless it was the whole eyebrow thing?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

this post is also not very pointy.

People who're not used to Japanese or Korean dramas/music really shouldn't harp so much on the fact that the Asian men, as opposed to their more macho Western counterparts, are a lot more at ease with displaying emotion. For example, it's perfectly fine for a male character in a drama to shed tears twice in as many episodes, if the situation is heartbreaking enough (death, desperation, the like). I can't really say this for the Koreans, knowing nearly nothing about them, but I can tell you that the Japanese don't - or didn't - have quite the same rigid rules when it comes to masculine conduct as much of the world has.

Case in point: homosexuality. Even back in the days of feudal lords and bushi, a man's sexual orientation was simply a matter of preference and never a sin. Some even went as far as to say that love between males, nanshoku/shudo, was sacred. Beautiful male prostitutes were not uncommon and sometimes highly sought after. This, however, doesn't mean that pretty boys are necessarily homosexual.

Contrary to what most people think, the whole bishonen/biseinen/bidanshi thing did not, in fact, stem from anime-manga culture, and it definitely doesn't equal homosexuality. Japan has a historical record of its fascination with beautiful young males, the most known of which would be Hikaru Genji, the most infamous playboy in ancient Japanese literature (Google him, you'll get tons of hits). And yes, he fooled around with truckloads of women. The appreciation of the semi-androgynous form, an aesthetic not dissimilar to that of Renaissance angels, isn't a recent development at all, though it has become overly popularised in current times - and it most certainly does not relate to homosexuality. I can't stress this enough.

So you see, pretty boys are not a fad, nor are they gay. Please remember that, and keep your antagonistic redneck views, if any, to yourself. Thank you.

It can be a real blast reading historical stories because of the things you learn, especially when it's made so accessible. This post has been sitting around just waiting to be published since I first read Kaze Hikaru, so it's nice to finally get it done!

p.s.: It wasn't until Western thought penetrated Japan that homosexuality was viewed as an abnormality, which shows again how some people have the conceit to claim their opinions as fact.

p.p.s.: I think I should make a disclaimer here that I am not, in any way, endorsing homosexuality. As a matter of fact, yaoi makes me extremely uncomfortable. BUT. I don't believe in pushing personal opinions quite so far.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

more video spammage

The pleasant surprise jpopasia gave me with that last Younha song had me trawling through its archives for other Younha stuff, and I found this! It's Korean, which isn't my usual fare (75% of my listening is Japanese), but music isn't limited to language, yes? Hmm.

Well, in this one, the lyrics don't actually fit the song much, but it's a good video nevertheless. I just love music videos that tell stories, rather than those that only feature random dancing and pointless posing. Cough cough half of KAT-TUN's PVs are like that cough cough. And 80% of the world's music videos. Which is probably why White X'mas is still one of my all-time favourite PVs. If only I could find it on YouTube! I'd embed it here and force people to watch it, heh.

On an unrelated note, I've discovered that the only way I can still apply colours to my posts is by keying in the html codes. Meh, what a pain.

something old, something new

This is the first Younha song I've heard in a while (Houkiboshi was good, but I never thought to look her up), and I like it. It's got a nice, uplifting vibe to it and the verses are my kind of listening, even if the chorus is a tad whiny. Plus, Younha has such a cute smile! It's always refreshing to have someone (sort of) new to listen to, especially after a prolonged period of the whole 'same artist, new song' phase.

Oh, and I love 0:27-0:30. Heh.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why I Don't Quite Know What to Feel About Friday:

On the one hand, probably the better hand, the one with longer fingers and better-shaped nails, Friday means lunch with the some of the most brilliant people in my life.

On the other hand, the one with ugly skin and superstubby digits, Friday also means IELTS results. Which I am itching to know, but at the same time I do not want to know. I hate getting papers back or collecting grades but I want to know, damn it.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

boo ya

I don't know... if I should be laughing or crying. But then again, there isn't much difference between the two in terms of physical exertion. Both have your shoulders shaking slightly, your eyes tearing, your chest heaving and your face all screwed up. Sometimes, when you're laughing bitterly at yourself for crying, it's hard to tell if you're laughing or crying more. Actually, I think that's when the hysterics come into the picture, but we'll forget that.


What happened was, my keyboard broke itself. Yes, it did. I sure as hell had nothing to do with it. Really. One moment I'm typing something rubbishy out on facebook and the next I'm staring blankly at my Shift key and wondering why it won't allow itself to be pressed. And was it supposed to be quite so wonky?

I prodded it a few times in a manner reminiscent of Dexter's gloriously annoying sister, and lo! the entire Shift key popped up and out of the keyboard. Oh yes. Panic. Hmm. It was an ungodly hour of the morning, too, so I had no hope of seeking assistance. Spent ten full minutes scrutinising the mechanics of the thing and tried to attach the key back into its rightful spot, but my fat sausage fingers (have I mentioned I hate my hands? Except maybe my fingernails) were not up to the delicate task.

The forceps were a lifesaver. :D


Finally got round to using the underwater camera in the fishpond today. Haha. Results were, on the whole, terrible - but this one's not too shabby. Stupid water's too green, though!



To make up for the plain foolishness of all my recent posts, I tried to post something more normal this time but somehow nothing in my to-post queue qualifies as normal. Fanposts, by the way, are considered very abnormal as well, in my desperate bid to hold on to the sane, uninfested part of my mind.

Hmm. There are, at the moment, quite a number of things I have to (or maybe just want to) say, but I can't find a way to convey all of that across. My word-blindness again, no doubt. Not unexpected, either, since it's been aeons since I've actually picked a book up. To have five books half-read and waiting around to be read is something that still shocks me now, and would have appalled my schooling self. I had a free evening today with about three hours to spare, and I spent it reorganising my economics notes. If that isn't unnatural, nothing is.

Oh, here's something normal to blog about. Blogger is messing around and I can't colour my words. How horrible. I had no idea blogging would feel this dry without the ability to add colours to my posts. Grey counts as a colour, mind you, so I can't even vary my words within the boundaries of monochromatism. What a blister.

For fear of sounding positively vapid (more than I already do, anyway), I shall stop here and go to sleep. And...bye-bye.

Oh noes, some fandom managed to slip in. Oops.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

this heart is break. lol.

Booted up Winter ten minutes ago and discovered that my wearing a hairband renders me unrecognisable by Winter's standards. The picture above is of my stoned, why-is-Winter-taking-so-long? face, recorded by the poor confused thing as I attempted to log in. Haha.

There you go, Pei, a normalish camwhore picture! Blek.

Friday, October 1, 2010


It doesn't take much to sour a good mood, does it? Especially when there isn't any reason in particular for the said good mood - because you'll have nothing to cheer you up again when your mood goes off into the deep end.

Fortunately, there will always be cold showers and music to heal such mood upsets. Music, though, is on a low today (*sad face*) as I've grown tired of what Branch holds. And it doesn't help that most of it is loud, energetic stuff when I'm in the mood for something more melancholy and dramatic.

Downloads, here I come!


Decided to set the player on random and found two nice songs, called Water Dance and White World, respectively. Alliteration for the frikkin' win!

this explains it:

Hello, this is me. I talk to myself, sometimes aloud, and my mental conversations with me are usually very apparent on my face. I am terrified of insects, I cannot ingest any member of the allium family without being overcome with nausea and I will kill the next person who uses the word "creative" on me. I derive no satisfaction from any aspect of my appearance save for my eyes, which is why you see them doubled here. Twice the love.

Reason for my weirdness being: I am not human. Guafuafua.