Sunday, October 3, 2010


To make up for the plain foolishness of all my recent posts, I tried to post something more normal this time but somehow nothing in my to-post queue qualifies as normal. Fanposts, by the way, are considered very abnormal as well, in my desperate bid to hold on to the sane, uninfested part of my mind.

Hmm. There are, at the moment, quite a number of things I have to (or maybe just want to) say, but I can't find a way to convey all of that across. My word-blindness again, no doubt. Not unexpected, either, since it's been aeons since I've actually picked a book up. To have five books half-read and waiting around to be read is something that still shocks me now, and would have appalled my schooling self. I had a free evening today with about three hours to spare, and I spent it reorganising my economics notes. If that isn't unnatural, nothing is.

Oh, here's something normal to blog about. Blogger is messing around and I can't colour my words. How horrible. I had no idea blogging would feel this dry without the ability to add colours to my posts. Grey counts as a colour, mind you, so I can't even vary my words within the boundaries of monochromatism. What a blister.

For fear of sounding positively vapid (more than I already do, anyway), I shall stop here and go to sleep. And...bye-bye.

Oh noes, some fandom managed to slip in. Oops.

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