Saturday, April 26, 2008

i been tagged

19 deep questions

i. What is more difficult; to let go of everything or to forget what happened?
That depends. If I forget, but I am aware that I have forgotten something important, then I would, scratch that. Either way, I'd choose letting go as the more difficult one.

ii. Think of the last time you were angry. Why were you angry?
HA-HA. No sane person would count the number of times I get angry; they'd lose count in half a day.

iii. You will die in three minutes. Last call? family, to tell them where my handwritten will is kept.

iv. If you could do anything or wish for anything, what would it be?
If I could do anything, I'd find a cure for AIDS...then I'd make millions XD and if I could wish for anything, I'd wish for infinite wishes.

v. You can have one of the following two things: trust, or love.
Who's anyone to say that I can only have one? So sue me if I want both. :P

vi. Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone?
Yup. Not serious things, though...just idle little empty threats.

vii. Think of the last person whom you knew.
Hey. I'm not dead yet. Those tenses are all wrong.

viii. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?
I doubt it.

ix. Would you sleep with someone if you had the chance?
Depends on who that someone is. Wait. Actually, no, I wouldn't.

x. Are you old-fashioned?
Maybe. I don't know. Probably quite...though I wouldn't actually phrase it like that.

xi. What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
Hah. Obviously the former.

xii. What things would be the hardest for you to give up on?
To give up on...? Things that are unfinished and imperfect. Or things that could've been done much better.

xiii. Romantic love: when was the last time you told someone you loved them?
NEVER. There, I've said it. Happy?

xiv.'s a dark night. You are's raining hear someone walking outside your window. Who do you wish to be there with you?

xv. Would you give a homeless person CPR?
If the person needed it... DR. ABC and all X) but with lots of mouthwash later, mind you.

xvi. You are holding on to your...

IF YOU HAVE THREE MONTHS LEFT TO LIVE (with emphasis on the IF) :

xvii. Do you tell anyone or everyone you are going to die?
Those I believe have a right to know will know.

xviii. What would you do with you remaining days?
Pull out of school for 'health reasons', eat anything and everything I want, buy anything I feel like buying, visiting people I want to visit...spend time with the people I love...and accomplish MORE THAN HALF of what's on my list-of-things-to-do-before-I-die and list-of-places-to-see-before-I-die.

xix. Would you be afraid?
Quite. But I have a way of pushing fears to the back of my mind when there are interesting things to be done :)


Thursday, April 17, 2008

first chem 'experiment' of the year: bromine gas diffusion etc, etc

Right. I put the word experiment in inverted commas because our class ended up not doing the darned experiment for god-knows-what reasons. A bunch of us at the back of class [best seats - the further away you sit from a teacher, the less chance there is of you contracting the Teachers' Disease, which have effects too horrible to put in script] were yakking about nonsense...mostly random topics, then ying han came up with a piece of genius. So without further ado, I present to you... the steps for the bromine gas experiment:

1 Throw it in
2 Watch
3 Smell
4 Hospital
5 Funeral
6 Meet the 'orang atas'
7 Reincarnation
8 Repeat steps 1-7

Go ahead and use it for school. :D

*cough hack sneezle swallow wheeze choke sniff*

Eheh. Whoops. I know I said I'd break it up and all but I kinda got lazy after that, so... ><

But who needs to hear my problems, anyway? Everyone's got their own :) so I'll write bout happy things from now on. ^^

Sunday, April 13, 2008

stupid stupid stupid

Okay. Yesterday was the most retarded day in the history of my life; it's so retarded, I'm gonna break it down into a few main parts.


I get up at an obscene hour on a Saturday to go for this creative thinking workshop at Taylor's. It's retarded from the very start, 'cause I got no chums there. The whole thing proceeds okay...until this group activity thing that requires groups of six. So, V-ki and I somehow ended up with three college kids and one guy about 17 or 18, don't know which. I said hi and introduced myself, but they just freaking ignored me. so okay, fine.
Each group was given two big packets of straws [what a colossal waste] and a teeny little piece of paper with the Taylor's logo on it. The task was to build a tower taller than Charles [the photographer; he's a frickin' skyscraper, i tell you], with straws and only straws, which also means no string/glue/scissors/hole-puncher/etc. The Taylor's "flag" was supposed to be at the very top. The icing on the cake? We had to make sure it wouldn't fall down in the extremely windy courtyard. No joke, I tell you. Especially not when the stupid college kids are ignoring you just because they're older.
These so-called college students have obviously never qualified for the science stream in their lives. Their level of IQ is astoundingly low, as can be observed from their supremely flawed logic. Our tower only won because the nice guy from goodness-knows-what school knows his physics, plus he's got common sense. At least he followed my lead in tying extra bunches of straws at the bottom to stabilise the structure. So in the end we won chocolates :) The only highlight of the day, I assure you.

and here you see our winning tower. heh.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

oh, oh: postscript

Heyy...according to a test on Tickle I'm a Yin person. X) Expected it la. Lol...I spend entirely too much time taking tests on Tickle...doesn't help that my 'friends' on Tickle keep creating new tests for me to take. (=_=)"


It isn't the end of the world. It definitely isn't, and I refuse to allow myself to think so, ya hear me??! At least now if I don't get anything I can only blame myself for screwing my interview up [the way female cats get screwed when they're in heat. Joke.]... Whatever. So now I'm going about as usual again. Just realised that I never stay pissed or moody for more than a day; I always come to school fine the next day XP Can be a good thing. Humhum. Oh yeah... To any who might read this who felt the negative effects of my horrible mood on Wednesday, I apologise for being such a sadistic maniac. What i said still stands, though. The marching sucked >=(
But there's always room for improvement, no? :D life's a basket of cherries, people. Hoho

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Ah yes. I nearly forgot. Look what I found on Trudi Canavan's website...

Seriously. She really detailed the roof tiles so much O.O For those in the know, it's a pic of Sonea in the Outer Circle...and obviously she's facing the Inner Circle. :D She looks a bit old, though...

On my list of things to do before I die, I wrote 'spend an hour or more on a rooftop. for fun.' I mean, I've never tried it, and it seems interesting. I've only once been on roof tiles, and that was to pick up something that my lil bro threw out there (don't ask.)...sad, I know. still, there's hope yet.

lucky me

Hilarious. There was this talk or something in school today and I skipped out on almost all of it before getting caught and told to get my sorry behind into the hall. and even after thAt, I slipped out to the office to get my results certified first :D [the nice malay guy did it for me in like six minutes. he's nice. unlike that sonnawabitch lan si indian young guy who took almost a week and didn't get it done. idjit.] so by the time I got in there, the lady was just winding down and i plopped my butt down next to mun. Bear in mind that I had absolutely NO inkling at all as to the nature of the poor woman's speech...but I gathered that goodie bags with free samples of facial products were being given to people who answered questions right, or something like that. at the very end, the woman told everyone to get into groups of ten and fill up some question paper. those who finished first, second or third got goodie bags for each team member...and my dear, darling friends went and finished up second. ^^
so I untung la. thanks a bunch fellas. lol