Thursday, June 5, 2008

work, work, and more work, then play like there's no tomorrow (which, considering the nearing end-of-hols, is not inaccurate.)

I think it's true about abstract 'art' being very easy to do. Pool together about six colours that look good together, create intriguing effects with them and voila! What you get is a (kind of...if you squint and look at it sideways in really bad light.) quite aesthetically acceptable piece of work! I mean, it's no work of art, but it's passable, and that's what counts. Furthermore, it's possible to create that much-coveted "I-spent-ages-getting-this-effect-just-right-and-did-you-see-all-this-detailing? -that-took-ages-too" look, when it took you less time than others might think. I guess it's a case of getting lucky with the effects. That having been said, it still takes longer than I'd honestly prefer. Dammit.

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